Dictionary 配列の同じ要素を削除するDictionary(Bound)
Sub DicArraySameElementDelBou(ByVal DB As Variant, ByRef DB2() As String) '***************************************************** 'FSO 配列の同じ要素を削除するDictionary(Bound) '***************************************************** 'Dictionaryオブジェクト Dim obj As Object, i As Long, n As Long Set obj = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") n = 0 For i = LBound(DB) To UBound(DB) If obj.Exists(DB(i)) = False Then obj.Add DB(i), "" ReDim Preserve DB2(n) As String DB2(n) = DB(i) n = n + 1 End If Next i Set obj = Nothing End Sub Private Sub test() Dim i As Long, x(5) As String, DB2() As String 'テストデータ x(0) = "1" x(1) = "A" x(2) = "1" x(3) = "B" x(4) = "" x(5) = "1" Call DicArraySameElementDelBou(x, DB2()) '値を表示 For i = LBound(DB2) To UBound(DB2) Debug.Print i & vbTab & DB2(i) Next i '0 1 '1 A '2 B '3 End Sub |